tisdag 28 augusti 2012

Times they are a-changin'

Hi guys! Just thought we would tell you what's going on this fall.

The band is going to be on a little time-out and there will be no livegigs (ok, maybe acoustic but probably not).

While Fredrik has already gone back to Lund for his studies and Omi's soon going to Ireland to study at the University of Limerick, Danny sees the opportunity to fulfill a dream he has had for a while: to study electronic music production at SAE institute. Meanwhile Sarah continues her music and media studies at Swedish Royal College of Music and Joel has a side project called Finding Fortune with his friend Jens (who is also a member of incredible Partfunk).

We won't have the opportunity to rock together as we are used to for a while, but of course we will all still be in contact with each other, exchanging ideas through email and stuff :) So in a couple of months we will be back again, more awesome than ever, LOOK OUT!!!

onsdag 8 augusti 2012


The new songs are so fucking awesome! Did we create that?! :O Incredible!!!

Which one is your favourite? Please let us know!